The proper package to start off your world wide web business existence with. It has a 1–click installation of e–commerce, weblog, etc. applications, infinite hosted domains, different mail accounts and databases plus a 30–day money–back warranty. Varnish and Redis support is available too.
Regular Package
We're Different
Regular hosting at
$3.92/mo.Evaluate our web hosting services with a 30 days completely free trial period. No credit card information required.
Faster Performance
Strikingly fast performance is one of the key advantages of our custom–built cloud web hosting platform.
We have been able to modernize the digital bandwidth up to as much as 10 gigabits per second to provide improved connectivity and much quicker site load times, to provide additional machines that will ease routine server maintenance duties and decrease service disturbances and downtimes, and to move user accounts to solid–state drives, which provide much faster data execution speeds and a far better stability than the regular hard drives.
Fully featured & scalable cloud web hosting services for your dynamic web sites
Our cloud web hosting services allow for better web site loading speeds and a much better scalability. The server load is spread among a couple of servers rather than one, so you will never be affected by server load problems or any maintenance procedures. Every cloud hosting package comes with a point & click Website Control Panel available in 10+ languages and with a 1 Click App Installer tool, using which you can create personal journals, social networking websites, online photo galleries, and so on. If you are not content with the service quality, just make use of our 30–day money–back guarantee.
Service Scalability
A cloud web hosting service that will fulfill your requirements
Our cloud web hosting platform is completely scalable, which means that you can benefit from its resources even if the server is under stress or maintenance. As all vital services are taken care of by several physical servers instead of just a single one, you’ll also enjoy extremely fast website load speeds and a guaranteed stability of performance. Also, you are able to further improve your hosting plan with additional disk drive storage space, monthly bandwidth, MySQL database space, CPU usage, etc. allocations, or move to a more powerful hosting plan at any moment.
Web Stats
Hosting Control Panel–integrated web site statistics
From the Website Control Panel, you will be able to both manage and keep an eye on your sites. Every single cloud web hosting deal comes with a collection of stats software tools, which you can see in the Statistics Manager section of your hosting Control Panel. You’ll be able to use the famous Webalizer and AWStats statistics tools or make use of our recently built detailed web statistics software tool, which boasts a handy web analytics graphical user interface. With Hostyara, you can see elaborate information related to your site’s traffic and visitors directly in your hosting Control Panel.
Web App Installer
A simple installation of personal weblogs, photo galleries, etc.
With the 1–click 1 Click App Installer tool built into the Website Control Panel, you can take your very own fully fledged site online within minutes. With a simple click, your weblog, discussion forum, online photo album or electronic store will be set up and will be ready for use. Choose your web app, fill in a few details pertaining to your brand new web site and click on the Install button. We’ll take over from there for you! More than forty applications are present for you to pick from.
Multiple Data Centers
Cloud web hosting services on three continents
Our cloud web hosting network expands across several continents – North America (the Steadfast data center in Chicago, IL, USA), Europe (the Pulsant datacenter in Maidenhead, United Kingdom, the Ficolo underground data center in Pori, Finland and the Telepoint data center in Sofia, Bulgaria) and Australia (the Amaze datacenter facility in Sydney). This implies that, no matter where you actually reside, you will be able to choose a data center facility that is closest to your target audience. So that, you will ensure the most quick conceivable website load speeds for all of them. You can choose your data center any time with just a mouse click on the signup page.
Website Builder
Save cash on web design – publish your sites with just a click of the mouse
Save some money on money–consuming web design solutions – we offer you all the tools that you will need to complete the task yourself. Thanks to the handy Cost Free Website Creating Instrument, you can publish a whole site with a single click using any of the available pre–defined layouts. Then you will be able to add your custom content. We offer more than 100 web page layouts for both business and personal web sites offering distinct colour combinations.
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Service guarantees
- Each of our packages is put together for your needs at no extra cost. 30–day refund. 99.9% service availability. 30–min reply–back time.
Compare our prices
- Take a glance at the tools and capabilities supplied by every one of our hosting plans. You could start off with a cheaper package and upgrade with simply a click of the mouse as your web site gets bigger.
- Compare our hosting plans
Contact Us
- We’re available for you in business hours to answer all questions about our cloud web hosting service.