A middlemanless server virtualization

A host OS kernel-based virtual machine virtualization

The most significant difference between KVM-powered VPSs and practically all other kinds of virtual servers is the virtualization method itself. With KVM, there is absolutely no need for any additional virtualization software application to be installed on the server – the indispensable software commands are entered straight into the kernel of the host OS instead. This extensively curtails the resources that the physical host machine has to reserve so as to run extra applications and in turn makes those resources accessible to the VPSs. The absence of an extra communication layer also slashes the input/output waiting time, effectively making your VPS run markedly faster.
A middlemanless server virtualization

An appreciably better system resource utilization

Server resources for your own exclusive use

By excluding the requirement for a supplementary virtualization layer through which the entire communication with the main server is conducted, KVM-powered virtual servers can benefit from a notably improved server resource usage. With KVM, the virtualization instructions are interposed straight into the host OS kernel, which goes to say that all KVM-powered VPSs can interact directly with the physical machine’s CPU (central processing unit). On the other hand, Virtio disk and network drivers cut out any unneeded emulation on the host. This trimmed communication redundancy leads to a drastically faster real-world performance when compared with other server virtualization methodologies.
An appreciably better system resource utilization

NVMe–structured VPS Hosting Options

Your media–intensive webpages will now get super fast

Each individual KVM VPS server delivered by Hostyara is provided with very fast NVMes. They support speedier file access and much speedier reading/writing data transfer rates in contrast to the common harddrives. In reality, these NVMe disks can make all of your websites open a lot faster. What’s more you do not have to change anything at all in order to make the most of the amazing benefits provided by the NVMe drives.

NVMe–structured VPS Hosting Options

Thorough OS independence

Use any OS you want

Traditionally, when you purchase a virtual server, you get to choose from a limited range of Operating Systems, as they’re the only ones supported by the virtualization software itself. However, KVM-based virtual servers do not need any type of virtualization software – they interact directly with the physical server’s hardware components. This allows you to use practically any Operating System that can run on the specific server. Do you intend to run BSD on your virtual server? This can be accomplished.
Thorough OS independence

A 99.9% Network Uptime

We deploy the very best system server hardware

We have worked diligently in alliance with the employees at our data centers for us to create a trusted and protected inside system. We have collaborated with top–rated server hardware manufacturers to guarantee an absolutely healthy service. By reason of this, we can now effectively warrant a 99.9% online availability for all KVM VPS servers. This guarantee is in force for all the Datacenters that we work with.

A 99.9% Network Uptime

No Installation Charges

No hidden fees. No extra payments.

Generally, the KVM VPS servers are more solid than the standard cloud hosting solutions and are consequently more pricey. So as to lower the price of a KVM VPS server, we have tried our utmost to minimize the startup costs and we won’t bill you any VPS set–up charges. Furthermore, we do not want any other special costs right after your VPS starts off functioning. The price tag that you see on our site is the final fee that you will be billed each month.

No Installation Charges

Setup & Problem–Solving

Let our sys administrators perform the hard job for you

Our server operators are able to help you with the setup of any kind of software app that you prefer for your webpage. Additionally, in case you experience a trouble with your hosting server that you have no idea how to deal with, you can contact them for help. The Installing & Troubleshooting assistance is obtainable as an add–on with every KVM VPS server at a really good price.

Setup & Problem–Solving

A Free Dedicated IP

A dedicated IP for free with every VPS

With every single KVM VPS server, you will receive a dedicated IP address free of cost.

A Free Dedicated IP

A Variety of Operating Systems

Just inform us what is your ideal Linux release

You are able to select from several Linux OS’s for your KVM VPS server – Ubuntu, CentOS or Debian.

A Variety of Operating Systems

Service–Level Guarantees

A 99.9% networking uptime and no startup fees

We have put in a plenty of time and work in making our very own internal network. By reason of this, we can assertively warranty a 99.9% uptime for your VPS. At the same time, your spanking new VPS machine is going to be completely working in nearly sixty minutes without any kind of supplementary setup costs. To sum it up, every KVM VPS server is supported by a 99.9% networking uptime guarantee, a one–hour startup warranty and a 24x7 support service. Additionally, there are no startup expenses whatsoever.

Service–Level Guarantees

Complete Root/Administrator Access to the Hosting Server

Full admission to to each aspect of your web server

Having complete root access to the KVM VPS server (with cPanel), you can easily turn into an admin of your own hosting server environment. Such connectivity allows you to install an OS or enhance the Apache hosting server controls. You may also deploy all kinds of software applications and reboot the machine anytime you like. Using our Installation & Troubleshooting bundle, you can give this hard work to our sys administrators.

Complete Root/Administrator Access to the Hosting Server

Free Software with Your VPS

Totally free reseller website hosting applications and a cost free dedicated IP

We add in many different free benefits with your KVM VPS server to enable you to easily take full control of your web sites. You’ll get hold of a free dedicated IP. Moreover, due to the domain reseller account and the ClientExec help and support & billing program that we offer, you will have the ability to launch your reseller website hosting firm completely from scratch.

Free Software with Your VPS

Hepsia Reseller Tools

Make money utilizing your server

Witness the capabilities of the Hostyara web hosting dashboard in launching your own reseller hosting enterprise seamlessly. Employ the Manage Accounts feature to create as many as 5 separate sub-accounts, each one of them prepared for resale to your desired clientele. Even if reselling web hosting isn't your main focus, making use of extra user accounts can effectively offset maintenance server expenses. Please keep in mind that while Managed Assistance packages are available, assistance with billing matters or client assistance is not within our scope.

Hepsia Reseller Tools