Varnish in Cloud Web Hosting
We offer Varnish as an optional upgrade with each and every Linux cloud web hosting service and if you’d like to use it, you can add it to your shared web hosting account using the Upgrades menu in your Hepsia hosting Control Panel. There are two different features that can be upgraded – the number of instances and the memory. The first one depends on the number of the websites that you would like to employ Varnish for, whereas the second, which comes in increments of 32 megabytes, shows the maximum amount of data that the platform can cache at any given moment. The Hepsia Control Panel’s user-friendly interface will allow you to switch off or to restart any instance, to view elaborate logs or to erase the platform’s cache with just click of the mouse. For optimal results, you can employ a dedicated IP for the websites that will use the platform. With Varnish, your site will load much faster, meaning more satisfied website visitors and potential customers.
Varnish in Semi-dedicated Servers
The Varnish data caching platform is part of the default service set that you’ll acquire in case you decide to host your sites under a semi-dedicated server account. You can configure it for any of your websites through our leading-edge Hepsia Control Panel. The default memory that Varnish can use to cache data is 64 MB, but in case you decide that you need more, you can upgrade this amount from the Upgrades section of the Control Panel. You can also upgrade the Varnish instances, i.e. the number of the Internet sites that can use this caching platform at the same time. As these two features aren’t tied to each other, you can use several Internet sites with the default memory or you can add more memory in increments of 32 megabytes and use all of it for a single website. The Varnish platform works best when you allocate a dedicated IP address to the Internet sites that utilize its power. The Hepsia Control Panel will offer you a simple means of restarting any instance. In addition, you will be able to delete the cached data with only one click of the mouse.
Varnish in VPS Servers
Varnish is included by default with all Linux VPS hosting service that we offer on the condition that the VPS server is ordered with the Hepsia Control Panel, so you can boost the overall performance of your websites with just a couple of clicks of the mouse. The more powerful the plan, the more memory will be available to Varnish, but even with a low-end package, the platform will be able to utilize several hundred megabytes, so even if you have a number of sites, you’ll notice a significant reduction in the server load and a tremendously better webpage load speed. The Varnish platform will need to work for a little while while the users navigate the website and once the site content has been cached, you will observe the result. One of the pros of employing Varnish is that a less powerful and less costly Virtual Private Server plan will accomplish the very same job as a more costly one without the caching platform, so not only will your Internet sites work much better, but you’ll also spare a certain amount of cash.
Varnish in Dedicated Servers
All dedicated servers that are ordered with the in-house built Hepsia hosting Control Panel include Varnish, which is among the pre-installed platforms that you’ll get with the dedicated server. The Varnish content caching platform can be configured and administered with ease via Hepsia’s simple-to-navigate interface and, with no more than one mouse click, you can see an in-depth log, create or restart an instance, clear the cached data associated with any site and much, much more. Shortly after you configure the Varnish platform for a certain domain or sub-domain, it will start caching the pages loaded by your website visitors and once it has cached enough content, you’ll observe a tremendously faster website performance plus a reduced load. With Varnish-dedicated memory starting at 3 GB, you will be able to use the platform for load balancing purposes even if you host numerous websites on the dedicated machine.