Being able to easily administer your domains is extremely essential and can improve your user experience as a hosting client. The solutions that a lot of companies use are not very easy to work with, so you can frequently find yourself in a situation where you need to sign in and out of separate Control Panels to do a certain task, even if you’ve got a single domain. Not only is this awkward, but it also requires more time and effort compared to having an all-embracing Control Panel tool where you can access everything you need without signing in and out all the time. For instance, registering a brand-new domain name, hosting it and uploading the website files pertaining to it entails the use of at least 2 different admin interfaces, especially in case you are using the most popular web hosting solutions out there.

Feature-rich Domain Manager in Cloud Web Hosting

If you order a cloud web hosting package from us, you’ll get access to a full-featured Domain Manager, which is included in our all-inclusive Hepsia hosting Control Panel. You will be able to register a brand new domain and then to park it or host it, to activate Whois Privacy Protection or to change its WHOIS info with only a few clicks. Using fast-access buttons, you will also be able to set up a subdomain, an e-mail address or a database, to keep track of traffic statistics, to access the web files or to order a brand new SSL certificate. All features are conveniently grouped and are available in one single place, which will save you lots of time, so you will never have to sign out of the Domain Manager. You won’t experience any difficulties, since we have included help articles and video lessons to acquaint you with the maximum capacity of our domain management tool.

Feature-rich Domain Manager in Semi-dedicated Servers

You will be able to manage your domains seamlessly if you get a Linux semi-dedicated server from us. The Domain Manager, which is part of our in-house developed Hepsia hosting Control Panel, offers lots of features that will allow you to do anything you want with only a few clicks of the mouse. Apart from the standard options that you would anticipate from such a tool, such as registering and renewing a domain name, updating the WHOIS info or adding Whois Privacy Protection, you’ll also have access to more advanced options through quick-access buttons. In this way, you can effortlessly create an e-mail, access your web files, view traffic stats or buy an SSL for any of your domain names. All these features are available in one location and despite the fact that the Domain Manager is an advanced tool, it’s intuitive enough to be used by persons with little or no experience.