All generic domain extensions and certain country-code ones support a security lock option whose purpose is to impede unwanted transfers of active domains. Many domain registry operators that manage country-code top-level domain names that don’t support this feature are in the process of adopting it for greater safety and for the convenience of the domain registrants. A domain can be transferred only if it is unlocked and only a person who has been granted access to the account with the current registrar can do that. New domain names are registered with the lock feature activated intentionally, so as to prevent any unwanted transfer attempts. The lock option is one of the safety measures for regulating the transfer of existing domain names between registrars that have been adopted over the years.

Registrar Lock in Cloud Web Hosting

The Hepsia Control Panel, which is included with each and every cloud web hosting plan that we offer, will give you complete control over your domains. You’ll see all domains registered through us conveniently listed in alphabetical order in a separate section of the Control Panel. Those whose extensions support the domain lock option will have a small padlock icon on their right. By clicking the icon, you can find out if the specific domain is locked or unlocked and you can update the current status by clicking once again – the procedure is as simple as that. You will not need to wait for the update to propagate or for our company to do anything, as the change of the status takes effect instantaneously, even if you see something else on WHOIS lookup sites. After all, it takes time for such websites to ‘refresh’ the info that they display.

Registrar Lock in Semi-dedicated Servers

If you have registered a domain name through our company and you would like to transfer it away, you can easily unlock it via the exact same Hepsia Control Panel, which you use to administer your semi-dedicated server account. All domain registrations will be shown in alphabetical order in your account and you will see a tiny padlock icon next to each domain name there, as long as its extension supports the registrar lock feature. You can see whether the domain is locked or not by clicking on this icon and update the present status by clicking on it once again. You can then continue and start the transfer process straight away without the need to wait for the status to be updated on WHOIS lookup sites, as the change will take effect momentarily without you or us having to do anything else.