Server Side Includes (SSI) is a set of directives that will enable you to include the content of a text file within an HTML file. In this manner, you'll be able to add some content to few different webpages in your website and alter it by just modifying a single text file. You're able to also add the output of various scripts so the present date and time, the IP address of the website visitor or the properties of a file display on your website. This shall let you add in some dynamic content to static pages, making the site more appealing to your website visitors and creating a more professional look and feel. It will likewise be quicker to revise this content as compared to updating each static page one at a time. If you would like to use Server Side Includes in your site, the pages that incorporate the content of some file should be with extension .shtml.

Server Side Includes in Cloud Web Hosting

Server Side Includes is supported on our progressive cloud hosting system, so whatever the Linux cloud web hosting service which you pick, you will be able to utilize this function and make your website more dynamic. All that you have to do is to set up a file called .htaccess in the home folder for the domain or subdomain in which you would like to use SSI and after that include a few lines of code inside. You simply won't require any coding skills though, as you're able just copy the necessary code from the help section, or our tech support team can assist you to activate SSI for any given website. You just need to customize the extension of any html file which will use Server Side Includes to .shtml and make sure that all links to these webpages on the website are accurate.

Server Side Includes in Semi-dedicated Servers

It will not take you more than a minute to activate Server Side Includes if you have a semi-dedicated server plan with us. When you choose to enable this function, you must create an .htaccess file in the root folder for the domain or subdomain where you want SSI to be active. In that file, you need to copy some code, which you'll see in the FAQ article that we have dedicated to SSI. You can get the latter within the Help section of your Hosting Control Panel, so you don't need any prior knowledge about these types of matters. The only 2 things you ought to deal with are renaming all pages that shall utilize Server Side Includes from .html to .shtml and updating each of the links in your website, so they lead to the updated files.